2022-07-29 11:26:48
Sensmetry, UAB logotipas
Įmonės aprašymas
Darbuotojų sk.
~4 825 €
Vid. atlyginimas
Sensmetry is focused on the development of internationally leading analytical methods, products, and services for assessing and improving the reliability and safety of complex automated mission-critical cyber-physical systems. Success in this endeavor requires a multidisciplinary approach, including the fusion of skill sets such as systems and controls engineering, mathematical modeling, statistics and machine learning, software engineering, and product development. Besides providing R&D services, Sensmetry is developing B2B products for use by engineers in their daily work in the development of safety- and mission-critical technologies. We envision developing software products that OEMs and Tier-1 firms will use in conjunction with expert services provided in parallel by Sensmetry.

Earlier this year Sensmetry introduced a groundbreaking system modeling tool SysIDE CE enabling Systems-As-Code paradigm shift in systems engineering. The recent release of the first version of the SysIDE PRO brought orders of magnitude improved performance and new game-changing productivity, quality, and automation features for power users and enterprise applications. Recognized by the system modeling community internationally, SysIDE is one of the most widely used tools for the new systems engineering language (SysMLv2) in the market at present.

Sensmetry is continuously exploring innovative high-value-added product and service development opportunities in mission- and safety-critical domains including space satellites, automotive, and marine industries to continue our growth in offering products and R&D service capabilities. Sensmetry pursues public funding for its R&D activities, has successfully delivered, and is currently implementing projects funded by the state, EU, and European Space Agency (ESA) programs in Lithuania. The company also participates in the ESA tenders and seeks to expand its efforts in tender participation and public funding applications.

Sensmetry is headquartered in Vilnius, Lithuania, with a branch office in Uppsala, Sweden.

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