2022-07-29 11:26:48
Mobiliųjų sprendimų centras, UAB logotipas
Įmonės aprašymas
Darbuotojų sk.
2 861
~4 198 €
Vid. atlyginimas
Since its founding in 2004, MSC (MOBILIŲJŲ SPRENDIMŲ CENTRAS/ center for mobile solutions) was dedicated to the development and implementation of cutting-edge IT technologies and on-line services. The professional and highly experienced team of the company developed its flagship product LocTracker which became a leading online GPS tracking service for the management of truck fleets and their logistics. It further encouraged the company to expand to the U.S. market. MSC’s subsidiary in the U.S., LOCTRACKER, LLC incorporated in Illinois, has been serving clients in the U.S. and Canada from 2014. The LocTracker service is used for the management of thousands of trucks worldwide.

Mobiliųjų sprendimų centras, UAB darbo skelbimai

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