2022-07-29 11:26:48
Vievio Namai, UAB logo
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~1 433 €
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UAB "Vievio namai" belongs to the "Gemma" group of companies. The "Gemma Health Center" has been established in the city of Vilnius since 2007 and is one of the largest private nursing and rehabilitation centers in Lithuania, where different healthcare competencies in various fields allow for quick and effective provision of necessary services to each guest. We aim to be the first choice for those seeking healthcare services that meet a modern approach.

The long-term senior care "Gemma" Vievio Home opened its doors in November 2023. It is a new, modern complex of nearly 5,000 square meters where long-term care services are provided. The new "Gemma" Vievio Home can accommodate up to 160 seniors. For the comfortable living of seniors, general spaces for rest and activities, a restaurant, massage and physical rehabilitation rooms, a library, a beauty salon, wide walking paths, and even a greenhouse and raised beds for gardening are planned.
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Vievio Namai, UAB job offers

Total available jobs in this company: 35