Why to work with cvmarket.lt? CVMarket.lt not only has the biggest CV database in the Baltics (cvmarket.lt, cvmarket.lv, cvkeskus.ee), but also belongs to the largest network of job portals in the world - The Network. Are you looking for employees in Germany, the Netherlands, Italy or any other European country or even another continent? CVMarket.lt will help you to find specialists all over the world!
CVMarket.lt is proud to be a part of the well-known and innovative Swiss media and classifieds company - Ringier AG.
Choose cvmarket.lt - Swiss quality, German precision, Baltic diligence.
Job ads are published on the CVMarket.lt system. The ad is published for one job position, in one location. There is an opportunity to ask up to 5 questions for each candidate, add photos, video. All companies have access to the candidate management system: CV evaluation, comments, convenient viewing of all candidates in one place. Read more here.
Price: 1 month job ad - 159 Eur + VAT
If you are interested in other offers or service packages, please call +370 5 2190032, +370 672 50100 or contact by mail info@cvmarket.lt
Want to buy services yourself? Order ads via e-commerce.
Look for suitable employees among more than 1 million created CVs! You can search by using keywords or a variety of different filters. Read more here.
• 2 days - 100 Eur + VAT
• 1 month - 750 Eur + VAT
If you are interested in other offers or service packages, please call +370 5 2190032, +370 672 50100 or contact by mail info@cvmarket.lt
Try Demo CV Search:
You know what you need. We know how to attract them. Contact us and we will offer the most suitable specialists search services. Service is carried out by specialists with up to 20 years of work experience. The customer is given a questionnaire to complete the requirements for candidates and present the job position. Based on the information provided by the Customer, recruitment specialist evaluates the position and presents prices and terms for the project.
If there is a need for ad reinforcement and you want to get more candidates, we can offer several additional services.
Social Media Distribution
Your job ad will be additionally advertised on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).
Price: from 149 Eur + VAT (1 time for 1 job ad)
Job ad renew
Job ad renew is a service that allows you to raise your existing ad to the top of job ads list. Get up to 35% more job ad views and candidates in just few clicks! You can renew your job ad at any time after 7 days after ad is activated. Purchased „Renew“ units are valid indefinitely. One job ad can be renewed only once.
Price: 50 Eur + VAT
VIP status
VIP ads will be visible on Home page for 7 days. On average, 10 times more likely to be viewed than a regular ad. Always displayed above other ads on the search results page. VIP ads come in a separate block on the home page. The VIP post is additionally rolled on all pages of jobseekers' on special VIPs section. Up to 9 VIPs can be purchased for one ad.
Price for 1 week (1 VIP): 199 Eur + VAT
Email with your job ad is sent to up to 500 suitable preselected CVs. With this email client can reach also passive, but qualified possible candidates.
Price: 50 Eur + VAT
As we observe the labor market, we see that finding good specialists is getting harder and harder. As you know, a good employee can greatly increase your company's profits, on the other hand bad one - increase costs. Therefore, attracting the most suitable specialists is becoming more and more important. Additional tools are needed to attract certain employees - presentation of the company to a targeted audience, additional advertisement of job ads and so on. Seeing these trends we can offer some additional visibility on cvmarket.lt
Contact us and we will give you the best deals tailored to your needs! +370 5 2190032, +370 672 50100, info@cvmarket.lt