2022-07-29 11:26:48

CEO Assistant

CVMarket.lt Client
1250 - 2300 €/m Gross

Job Description

We are looking


for an CEO Assistant to perform a variety of tasks and support our CEO. This position is not just about email replies or schedule management – we trust you’re really good at this – it’s more about the vibe, trust, execution, and good ideas.


Get Ready To


  • Support the Director of Chaos and face various unexpected tasks and random ideas
  • Work hard, play hard



  • Be efficient and have a proven ability to effectively execute and deliver
  • Be organized, result-driven, and able to juggle multiple projects
  • Be highly proactive and able to initiate change
  • Have outstanding communication skills and common sense
  • Have a strong personality and a sense of self-irony 
  • Never kill the vibe

Company offers


  • Join the growth. Outgrow your position in the fastest-growing company. Join initiatives and test your strength in various fields. Let’s build this rocket together.
  • Pitch your ideas. Whether it’s a suggestion for the next workation or the best-selling product – we’re all ears. Share your plans, and we’ll make it happen.
  • Test for the best. We’re the ultimate focus group of the new products we create and practice it before it is cool. What’s ours is yours.
  • Self-development. Know any industry professionals you’d like to consult with? Would love to visit international conferences or take paid courses? Sky’s the limit!
  • No boredom. If you think that you’ll have a typical 9-to-5 office job, then get ready to get your mind blown. Your position is never set in stone: work on different projects, be an A++ professional, discover your strengths along the way, and enjoy the craziness. 
  • Employee discounts. Why are we even explaining this? Beauty and wellness products? – Check. You want a taco party at our “San Diego” bar? – Check. VIP for the MVP.
  • Start your own company. Yeah, that’s right. A startup within a startup! Got any ideas?
  • Work hard, party harder. We couldn’t handle to party every time we reach our KPIs, so we stick to approximately once per month. On the other hand, our office never runs out of drinks & snacks to party every day – can you handle it?
  • Day off cards. The headline says it all. You don’t need an explanation if you’re having a tough day or had a tough party last night. Though use it with caution!
  • Wolt for late workers. Got to stay up late? You deserve to order whatever you want.
  • Workation. Bali, Thailand — been there done that. Currently deciding where to go next, any ideas?
  • Casual perks. Enjoy a hot tub on our terrace, a fridge full of food and a taxi budget. Also, you’ll be greeted with a starter pack with our merch, monthly office parties, game zone with foosball, PS4 & VR.