2022-07-29 11:26:48

Who are we?

CVMarket.lt is one of the largest job portals in Lithuania, hosting thousands of well-known and reliable employers' job ads. Every day, large numbers of job seekers discover suitable job offers and send their CVs to companies here.

Use convenient filters when searching for a job and subscribe to email notifications to never miss the right job offers. Also download CVMarket.lt job seach app from App Store or Google Play to save jobs on the go & quickly apply if a new suitable job opportunity appears. Best of all, CV creation and application to jobs is absolutely free!

To make your job ads stand out and attract more views and applicants, consider our additional services, as refreshing the job ad, send a job offer to preselected candidates by email, social media distribution or VIP status to make your job ad displayed on the main page and always above regular job ads. Additionally, we offer banner placements on our portal to display them to your target audience, to support your employer branding campaign.

CVMarket.lt job portal is operated by CV Keskus OÜ, the leading recruitment technology company in the Baltic countries, which belongs to a Swiss media company Ringier AG.

The CVKeskus OÜ group consists of 3 popular job sites in the Baltics: CVKeskus.ee in Estonia, CVMarket.lv in Latvia and CVMarket.lt in Lithuania.

CV Keskus OU group (CVMarket.lt / CVMarket.lv / CVKeskus.ee) is the only member of The Network in Baltics. The Network is probably the most powerful recruitment network in the world, uniting job portals in more than 150 countries. This gives our clients access to online recruitment services worldwide.

Discover CVMarket.lt

CVMarket.lt is one of the largest job portals in Lithuania, hosting thousands of well-known and reliable employers' job ads.

No. 1 group of job portals in the Baltic countries
14 200+
active job ads each month
Constantly growing number of created CVs
800 000+
sessions to the portal per month
Employers trust CVMarket.lt
1 200+
employers regularly upload advertisements

CVMarket.lt in the news

Regular publications & job market overviews

Awards & memberships

CV Keskus group has been awarded as the most successful recruitment company in Baltics

Gazelle Company
CV Keskus OU group has been awarded to belong among 1% of the fastest growing and innovative companies.
The Network
CVMarket.lt is a member of The Network – probably the most powerful recruitment network in the world.
The Responsible Business Forum
CV Keskus OU group is a member of the Estonian Corporate Social Responsibility Forum.
What others say about us?
Šioje svetainėje darbas niekada nesustoja! Visada gauni reikiamas konsultacijas bei pagalbą laiku. Matyt tarp konsultantų darbas būna suplanuotas taip, kad klientas net nepajustų, kad kažkas atostogauja ar nebūna darbe dėl kokių nors kitų priežasčių!
Intersurgical, UAB
What others say about us?
Dirbant su CVMarket.lt maloniai nustebino operatyvumas ir išskirtinė atrankos kokybė.  Visi pasiūlyti kandidatai turėjo tinkamą kvalifikaciją ir savybes užimti laisvą darbo vietą.


CV Keskus group employs 60 dedicated people focused on the development and innovation of digital recruitment platforms.

Povilas Kytra
Chief Executive Officer
Kristaps Kolosovs
CVMarket.lv Head of Development
Ineta Grigorjeva
CVMarket.lt Sales Director
Üllar Gustavson
CVKeskus.ee Sales Director
Raimonda Tatarėlytė
Chief Product Officer
Hanna-Maria Taaramäe
Legal Counsel
Ozan Akiman
Chief Technology Officer
Grete Adler
Head of Recruitment
Henry Auväärt
Chief Marketing Officer

Our History & Key Moments

It was back in 2000 when two entrepreneurial schoolmates decided to create a simple and convenient job site. In 2004 they expanded the business into Lithuania and Latvia. CVMarket.lt rapidly became one of the most visited job site & job search channel in Lithuania.

CVMarket.lt launched refreshed brand identity.


Ringier AG becomes sole owner of CV Keskus OU group.

Won Gazelle Company title 2nd year in a row.


Won The Most Successful Recruitment Company title.

Reached 1M CV database.


Ringier Axel Springer Media AG acquired leading Baltics job classifieds group CV Keskus OU and entered to the Baltic classified market.

During this time, CV Keskus OU group took the leading position on the digital recruitment market.


Expanded to Latvian and Lithuanian markets iwth CVMarket.lt and CVMarket.lv.

Two ambitious Estonian entrepreneurs created a new convenient job site CVKeskus.ee to change the way we find new jobs.


Contact us

Ozo g. 12A, Vilnius, LT-08200, Lithuania

+370 5 207 8881
+370 5 219 0032
Customer support
Connect with us